Norewegian Inns & Bed and Breakfasts in Norway
InnSite can help you find bed and breakfasts in Norway. Our Norewegian bed and breakfast directory has 1 inns located in 1 cities throughout Norway. From Bergen and elsewhere you’ll find Norewegian bed and breakfast inns to choose from.
Featured Bed & Breakfast
Marie's Guesthouse
Bergen, Norway
Marie's guesthouse is a small and charming guesthouse a short walk from the city centre. All rooms are fully fitted with private bathrooms and kitchens. From all rooms there there is a nice view of the city and/or the mountains and lakes surrounding it.
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Recommended Norewegian Bed & Breakfasts
Marie's Guesthouse
Marie's guesthouse is a small and charming guesthouse a short walk from the city centre. All rooms are fully...
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Norewegian Bed & Breakfast Cities